FITC's main expertises reside - besides sketching your Business Intelligence Architecture - in understanding what Data your business needs, determining how to validate, source that data, gathering, enriching and transforming it into usable information and making that information available to your business for analyze and decision making. Many companies have not fully reached the return on investment (ROI) that can be achieved through a well-designed Business Intelligence architecture and plan. Our BI Consultants will usually come in at a stage you built a good understanding of the forces causing your business to adapt (the Business Drivers) and the of the desired outcomes (the Business Goals) of actions to be or being implemented (the Business Strategies). They will then - leveraging existing BI solutions - help you
keeping an eye on maximizing the R.O.I. of your Business Intelligence approach. F.IT-C's experience can put these efforts in a better perspective - seeing the forest from the trees - and improve your data R.O.I. |
The BI solutions F.IT-C is pushing to the market - though we have expertise in others - are with a view to the ROI:
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